
"I no longer have to worry about whether my eyelashes will stay beautiful until the next treatment. I have LuminaGlow eyelashes and glue in my bag with me, it gives me extra confidence, even if I have to get on a plane to Paris right away 😉 ."
Joanna M.
"It's always been difficult for me to spend hours on eyelash care. I'm just such an impatient person. Now I got rid of this obligation and my eyelashes are always beautiful."
Karoliina K.
"With small children, it was increasingly difficult to find time to do my own makeup, even less to go to the technician. I feel that I can do something for myself and feel better. Thank you"
Meeri S.
"Minu töö nõuab minult alati viksi ja viisakat välimust. LuminaGlow ripsmete peale panemine võtab sama palju aega kui ripsmete värvimine, aga tulemus kestab päevi ja ma ei pea muretsema panda silmade pärast"
Eelika L.

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